Advertise with us

Hindustan Mirror is the largest independent online news site dedicated to covering digital culture,social media and technology.Hindustan Mirror has one of the most engaged online news communities.

Want to place your  BRAND, SERVICES or PRODUCT in front of viewers all over the world Hindustan Mirror has the solution to meet your Markeing objectives.

We offer  a suit of advertisement banner for you to take advantage of online viewers  rush of Hindustan Mirror.

TRAFFIC STATE: ‘s traffic varies depending on the current running affairs. If you are looking to reach a quality audience in the internet marketing space you can stop here.

We have a very focused audience in the internet marketing space.

We do not inflate our page views by making people click many pages to read the content.

We also do not buy cheap traffic to jack up prices.This is why we have flat pricing.


Banner should be submitted 48 hours before placement.

Ad banner can be no longer than 30 Kb.

Standard banner size:

  • Top Banner Size:(620 x 80) pixels.(Zone-1)
  • Right Top Size:(280 x 350) pixels. (Zone-2)
  • Right Bottom Size:(280 x 350) pixels. (Zone-3)
  • Right Side Size:(180 x 800) pixels. (Zone-4)
  • Left Side Size:(180 x 800) pixels. (Zone-5)

File type:.gif,.jpg,.jpeg.

Banner are not rotated with other advertisers so you get 100% impressions.


The designing charges to be paid separately if designing of advertisement needed.

The full payment must be paid in advance.

Demand draft or cheque should be favored in name of  “”.

Advertisement would be displayed only after realization of payment by the head office at Surat.

Any views and ideas displayed in the advertisement are solely of advertisers and does not endorse it.

Price for the advertisement could be changed without prior notice and would not affect ongoing campaigns.

Any international or national disputes are subject to surat jurisdiction of  Gujarat-India.